FAQs – Student Summer Writing Labs
What is a Young Adult Literacy Lab?
Labs are based on the writer’s workshop model: rather than give students a formulaic key to the writing kingdom, we give them the tools and materials they need to build their own. We treat them as equals; we listen to their opinions, value their perspectives, and respect the passion that they bring to their writing. We meet our students where they are. They are all over the map, and we get lost and found together.
Do I have to be a good writer to attend?
The only requirements are enthusiasm for writing and a desire to improve your writing skills.
Who teaches the Labs?
Labs are staffed by certified teachers, professional writers, other experts, and graduate students.
What is the ratio of writers to instructors?
We try to maintain a ratio of 1 adult writer for every 8 to 10 young writers.
How long are the Labs?
Labs run from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., M-F. Click here to see a sample schedule.
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But it’s summer. Why should I sign up for a class?
Because writing is vital to learning, thinking, creating, and communicating in the 21st century. We write to change the world, and what could be more fun than that?
Sign me up! Wait. How do I sign up?
To register for one or more of the CWP Summer Writing Lab workshops, click here for online registration.
Speaking of tuition, how much do the Labs cost?
Labs are generally $350. Our advocacy writing lab is being supported generously by The National Writing Project – that lab is $500 for two-weeks.
Can I sign up for more than one Lab?
Nothing would make us happier.
Food. Brown Bag Lunches. Snacks.
We are a nut-sensitive facility. We hand out snacks and ask parents/guardians to provide lunch. Please do not send any products containing peanuts or nuts in with your child’s brown-bag lunch. If you need ideas of nut-free snacks, please check out this resource by SnackSafely.com